Hi Everyone,
I'm Eric Stener Carlson, a writer from the U.S., although I've spent most of my life in Latin America, Asia and Europe.
I write novels and short stories - mostly ghost stories or "strange tales".
I'm pleased to share that my new book, "Dark Arts", was just published in the UK (Tartarus Press). In this short story collection, I explore the darkness, menace and magic of art in its many forms (painting, poetry, jazz, noire movies...etc.).
This has been years in the making, and I want to really thank all my friends and fans for all your support in making it happen!
Throughout 2022, I'll be doing readings and uploading videos on "Dark Arts". So, watch this space!
I hope you are well,
Hola a Tod@s,
Mi nombre es Eric Stener Carlson, escritor de los EEUU, aunque he pasado gran parte de mi vida en América Latina, Asia y Europa.
Escribo novelas y cuentos cortos - en su mayoría cuentos de fantasmas o "cuentos extraños".
Me complace compartir las noticias de que mi nuevo libro, "Dark Arts" ("Artes Oscuras") acaba de ser publicado en el Reino Unido (Tartarus Press). A través de esta colección de cuentos cortos, exploro la oscuridad, la amenaza y la magia del arte en sus formas diversas (la pintura, la poesía, el jazz, las películas noires...etc.)
Ha sido un laburo de años, ¡y quisiera agradecer profundamente a mi amig@s y a mis fans por todo su apoyo para poder lograrlo!
Durante el 2022, voy a hacer presentaciones y voy a subir videos sobre "Dark Arts". Comparto más noticias pronto.
Espero que estén muy bien.
What readers are saying about my books:
Muladona: "Eric Stener Carlson delivers gripping, intelligent horror" (Lovecraft e-zine)
The Saint Perpetuus Club of Buenos Aires: "Absolutely magnificent urban 'horror' novel." (Goodreads review)
"City of God" appearing in "GAS": ". . .a genuinely and startingly literary classic." (Des Lewis Gestalt Real-time reviews)
Anxiety of Ghosts: ". . . an unusual tale that, like the title says, is supernatural but pulls in so many bits of human existence. I devoured it in one day." (Goodreads review)
Muladona: ". . . suspenseful very unsettling strange tale." (Amazon review)
*Note: The opinions on this site and in my works are my own, and they do not necessarily represent the positions of any organization for which I work.